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Category: Dry Eye

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Why Are My Eyes So Dry When I Wake Up?

A close-up picture of a person pulling down their left eyelid to show the redness and irritation in their dry eyes.

Waking up with dry, gritty eyes isn’t just annoying—it can significantly impact your daily life. If you experience discomfort regularly, it may be a sign that something’s wrong.  Several factors can contribute to dry eyes in the morning, including poor tear production, environmental conditions, eye diseases, and prolonged screen time. Your optometrist can help determine […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Headaches?

A woman suffering from a headache applying pressure to her temples to alleviate it.

For the millions who experience chronic headaches or the discomfort of dry eyes, understanding the interplay between these conditions can be crucial to enhancing their quality of life. Despite common misconceptions, dry eyes do not cause headaches but can have shared triggers and symptoms.  There can be several possible sources to your dry eye symptoms. […]

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