Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management in Oviedo, FL

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Keeping Your Eyes Healthy

Many eye diseases develop with little to no warning signs, so early detection through regular eye exams is essential to preventing long-term damage. We stay on top of innovative technology to provide you with the most comprehensive eye exams to help keep your eyes healthy.

There are many eye diseases to be aware of, but below are some of the most common.

Age-Related AMD

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye condition that damages central vision and can be caused by the natural aging process. AMD affects the macula, the central part of the retina that processes straight-ahead vision and fine detail. As we age, the macula starts to wear down and can cause severe vision problems.

There are two types of AMD:

Wet AMD causes abnormal blood vessel growth below the macula (the portion of the retina responsible for central vision). These blood vessels are typically weak, and often leak blood and fluid into the retina. An early warning sign of wet AMD is when straight lines look wavy. If left untreated, wet AMD can lead to scarring and permanent central vision loss. Wet AMD can develop quite quickly and can lead to sudden changes in vision.

Dry AMD occurs when the macula thins, slowly causing central vision loss. Dry AMD is more common than wet AMD and progresses much slower. An early sign of dry AMD is the presence of drusen, yellow or white lipid deposits behind the retina. Although drusen are common in individuals over 60, they don’t always lead to AMD or vision loss. If drusen become larger or more numerous, they may increase the risk of developing AMD.

If dry AMD is left untreated, it can progress into wet AMD.

While there’s no cure for AMD, this condition can be managed. Steps can be taken to help slow the progression of AMD and preserve your central vision. To discuss diagnosis and treatment of AMD, please call us to book your appointment today.


You may remember having a small puff of air blown into your eye during your last eye exam. This test looks for glaucoma, which is an eye disease that damages the optic nerve, usually caused by increased pressure in the eye. Vision loss due to glaucoma is unrecoverable, and although glaucoma generally impacts individuals over 60, it can develop at any age.

Many forms of glaucoma have imperceptible signs, or symptoms may progress so slowly that vision changes may not be noticeable until damage has already occurred. Because of this, all comprehensive eye exams include glaucoma testing, so that this condition can be diagnosed and managed as soon as possible.

We test for glaucoma using the Oculus field test and the iCare tonometer, both of which are painless, effective, and don’t require a puff of air test.


The lens and the cornea work together to refract light entering the eye so that it can focus on the retina and create clear images. Cataracts occur when this lens becomes cloudy and opaque, causing blurry or dim vision that can affect your ability to read, drive, or perform other daily activities. Although cataracts mostly develop in individuals over the age of 60, they can occur at any age.

Cataracts can process slowly and pose no serious vision issues early on, and mild symptoms can typically be managed using glasses or magnifying aids. However, if symptoms start to impact your daily activities, cataract surgery can be used to replace your cloudy natural lens with an artificial lens.


Conjunctivitis, also called pink eye, is a common eye disease that causes the conjunctiva (the tissue that covers the whites of the eye and the inside of the eyelids), to become inflamed. Anyone can get conjunctivitis, but it is most common in children.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis include:

  • Redness.
  • Swollen eyelids.
  • Grittiness.
  • A feeling that there’s something in your eye.
  • Watery or burning eyes.
  • Mucus, pus, or yellow discharge from your eye.

There are 3 main types of conjunctivitis: allergic, viral, and bacterial. Of these main types, only viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are contagious.

Allergic conjunctivitis is an irritation caused by allergies, is common in those who already suffer from allergies, and is not contagious. The primary symptom is itchy eyes and is most often treated with eye drops that reduce inflammation and itchiness.

Viral conjunctivitis is caused by a number of common viruses, mostly often adenovirus, which is responsible for cold-like symptoms. Unfortunately, there’s no treatment for this form of pink eye, so your body will have to fight it on its own. To help alleviate your symptoms, you can place a cold washcloth on your eyes.

Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious, spreading through hand-to-eye contact or contact with infectious tears, eye discharge, fecal matter, among others. It is important to practice good hygiene to prevent spreading it to others.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria, which infect the conjunctiva. Bacterial conjunctivitis can be caused by a variety of factors, including improper care of contact lenses or by changes in the usual bacteria that live on the conjunctiva. It is generally treated using antibiotic eye drops.

Bacterial conjunctivitis can spread through hand-to-eye contact or contact with contaminated objects. Since bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious, is it important to practice good hygiene to prevent spreading it to others.

If you suspect you may have pink eye, call our office to book an appointment as soon as possible. It’s important to know the cause of your inflammation so it can be properly treated. Additionally, if you exhibit symptoms for longer than 2 weeks, we will need to rule out more serious eye problems.

We’re Looking Forward to Seeing You!

We’re conveniently located in the Strand offices between VAMPD and Pure Barre.

Our Address

935 Oviedo Blvd #1007
Oviedo, FL 32765

Contact Information

Phone: (407) 720-9968
Fax: (407) 845-9368
[email protected]


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