Digital Eye Strain in Oviedo, FL

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Easing the Strain

If you’ve ever noticed discomfort in your eyes while working on a digital device, you may be suffering from digital eye strain. With the advancement in digital and hand-held technologies, like tablets and cellphones, and the proliferation of computer work, we spend a lot more time focusing on digital screens than we used to.

All this technology has led to an increase in adverse visual and optical side effects, including blurriness, dryness, or sore and tired eyes. Digital eye strain can also lead to headaches, sore necks, or trouble focusing.

Treating Digital Eye Strain

Since most of us are unable to avoid screen time altogether, what can we do to keep our eyes healthy and comfortable? The most important thing is to be aware of your digital habits and taking regular breaks. The AOA recommends following the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

You can also help reduce strain by adjusting the contrast on your device’s screen so it matches the light of your surroundings, use eye drops to help refresh your eyes, especially if you live or work in a dry environment, or apply a matte cover over your device’s screen to help reduce glare.

Additionally, using proper body positioning while sitting at a computer will help with headaches and backaches and reduce your risk of other injuries such as carpal tunnel.

If you are suffering from the symptoms of digital eye sprain, book an appointment with us today.

We’re Looking Forward to Seeing You!

We’re conveniently located in the Strand offices between VAMPD and Pure Barre.

Our Address

935 Oviedo Blvd #1007
Oviedo, FL 32765

Contact Information

Phone: (407) 720-9968
Fax: (407) 845-9368
[email protected]


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