Set Your Child Up for Success
Vision problems and eye issues can start early in life, and if left undiagnosed or uncorrected, can negatively impact your child’s development.
When first born, your baby’s eyes are underdeveloped. But over the first few months of life, their eyes will improve significantly. During this time, you play a vital role in your child’s eye development. It’s important to watch your baby closely for any signs of eye or vision problems so they can be caught and addressed as early as possible.
Even if you haven’t noticed signs that something might be wrong, the AOA recommends your child get their first eye exam between the ages of 6 to 12 months. During this exam, your optometrist will check your child for signs of nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, check your child’s eye movement ability, and look for any signs of eye health problems. Regular exams are vital because it is easier to correct visual or optic problems if treatment is started early.
After this first exam, the AOA recommends that your child undergo at least one eye exam between the ages of 3 and 5 years, and have their eyes checked again at least once before they start school. Once your child begins school, they should have their eyes examined annually, though their optometrist may suggest more frequent exams.