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Are Prescription Sunglasses Worth It?

A mature man wearing a pair of prescription sunglasses.

Sunglasses aren’t just stylish tinted eyewear to compliment your fashion style. When the sun breaks free from a mass of heavy clouds, most people instinctively reach for sunglasses to shield their eyes from the glare. Prescription sunglasses are crucial for protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays while providing sharp vision, which makes them worth […]

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How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?

A woman in an optometrist's office shaking hands with her optometrist.

How Long Is an Eye Doctor Appointment? In our fast-paced world, when you need to visit a medical professional for help, you want someone who only has eyes for you. You want a practice that is dedicated to offering its patients comfortable vision solutions through individualized eye care and quality eyeglasses.  The first step is […]

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