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How To Protect Your Eyes From Phone & Computer Screens

An office worker removes their eyeglasses to rub their tired eyes after working on the computer all day

Do you have headaches, or do your eyes feel strained after hours in front of a computer or while scrolling through your phone? With digital devices becoming indispensable to our lives, many people are experiencing eye discomfort and fatigue like never before.  Luckily, with the proper precautions, you can protect your eyes without giving up […]

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Is Squinting Bad For Your Eyes?

A woman sitting at her desk squinting her eyes while looking at her laptop screen.

Squinting can be something you do unconsciously, like when looking at screens or reading for long periods, or while trying to decipher a distant street sign. Children may also squint from an uncorrected vision problem. But is squinting a harmless habit, or can it be bad for your eyes? Squinting won’t necessarily worsen your vision […]

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What Is a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

An optometrist discussing what to expect in an eye exam to an attentive patient

Have you ever wondered what goes on during an eye exam? Regular eye exams are essential for maintaining eye health and detecting signs of potential issues before they become severe. It is important to understand what to expect so that you can be prepared and make the most of your appointment. During an eye exam, […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Headaches?

A woman suffering from a headache applying pressure to her temples to alleviate it.

For the millions who experience chronic headaches or the discomfort of dry eyes, understanding the interplay between these conditions can be crucial to enhancing their quality of life. Despite common misconceptions, dry eyes do not cause headaches but can have shared triggers and symptoms.  There can be several possible sources to your dry eye symptoms. […]

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