Scleral Lenses in Oviedo, FL

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Discover Clear, Comfortable Vision with Scleral Lenses

Scleral contact lenses have changed the game for many patients with corneal irregularities and dry eyes. If you experience discomfort with traditional contacts or you’ve been told you can’t wear contacts, scleral lenses may be the solution you need.

Our team at the Eye Avenue specializes in fitting specialty contact lenses, including scleral lenses. Please reach out today to discover how we can help you achieve clear, comfortable vision without glasses.

What Are Scleral Contact Lenses?

Scleral contact lenses are large-diameter, rig­id gas-permeable (RGP) lenses. These specialty lenses sit on the sclera (the white) of the eyes and vault over the cornea. This design means that scleral lenses functionally replace the cornea, providing a smooth surface that corrects corneal irregularities.

Because scleral lenses are a type of RGP lens, they provide crisp, clear vision, are more durable than soft lenses, and allow more oxygen to the cornea. They also offer more stability than traditional corneal lenses and are more comfortable because the sclera is less sensitive than corneal tissue.

Scleral lenses can also create a fluid reservoir between the cornea and the lens, providing additional comfort for those with severe dry eyes and find traditional lenses uncomfortable.

Who Would Benefit from Scleral Contact Lenses?

The design and shape of scleral lenses mean they provide a smooth, wet, and protected corneal surface with minimal movement that can benefit many with various corneal conditions, including:


  • An eye condition that causes the cornea to thin and bulge, leading to blurred vision and sensitivity to light.

Pellucid Marginal Degeneration

  • The peripheral thinning of the cornea that can progress slowly over many years and deteriorate vision.

Post-Penetrating Keratoplasty

  • A type of glaucoma that can cause irreversible vision loss.

Corneal Scarring

  • Scars that form on the surface of the cornea caused by injury or poorly fitting contact lenses.

Irregularities After Refractive Surgery

  • An occasional complication of LASIK eye surgery, sometimes associated with flap complications.

Ocular Surface Disease and Disorders

High Refractive Errors

Discover the World Through Scleral Lenses

Don’t let your corneal conditions prevent you from enjoying the benefits of contact lenses. At the Eye Avenue, we believe there’s a lens for everyone, and we’re excited to show you your options! Please reach out to us any time to learn how scleral lenses can provide you with the clear, comfortable vision you’ve always wanted

We’re Looking Forward to Seeing You!

We’re conveniently located in the Strand offices between VAMPD and Pure Barre.

Our Address

935 Oviedo Blvd #1007
Oviedo, FL 32765

Contact Information

Phone: (407) 720-9968
Fax: (407) 845-9368
[email protected]


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