When our eyes can’t produce enough tears or those tears are of low quality, we experience dry eyes. While there are a variety of symptoms associated with dry eye, including a gritty, scratchy feeling, floaters are not among these symptoms. Floaters are usually harmless, dark shapes that appear in your vision and look like spots, […]
Category: Eye Issues
How Long Does Eye Strain Last?
Our productive and busy lifestyles keep us glued to projects for long periods. While our ability to remain focused on tasks for long periods is great, it can lead to eye discomfort. The discomfort is unsettling, but eye strain is temporary. After taking a break or finishing our work, we should feel the effects of […]
Is Squinting Bad For Your Eyes?
Squinting can be something you do unconsciously, like when looking at screens or reading for long periods, or while trying to decipher a distant street sign. Children may also squint from an uncorrected vision problem. But is squinting a harmless habit, or can it be bad for your eyes? Squinting won’t necessarily worsen your vision […]